05 Dec 2017
A familar phrase in computer science which I heard a lot was “Don’t reinvent the wheel.” For software engineering, there are problems that frequently arise during software design. Therefore, instead of having to constantly come up with solutions to these...
30 Nov 2017
Ethics are an interesting topic within software engineering. At first, ethics isn’t something that comes to mind when talking about software engineering. However, whenever they are people involved in the creation of something, morality and ethics will become an issue....
26 Oct 2017
For the past few weeks we have been using Meteor, which is, according to Professor Johnson, “an example of a modern, internet-based, client-server application architecture.” When the semester started, a laptop hardware requirement was provided. One thing that caught my...
19 Oct 2017
Using Meteor has been an interesting experience so far for developing our Digits application. The first major issue that I encountered was the initial set-up and installation of Meteor on Windows 10. There were times where -meteor run would not...
06 Oct 2017
Website design has dramatically improved since the beginning of the World Wide Web. Personally, I remember designing a website in my middle school class on Geocities using only basic HTML. Back then, fonts were bland and mostly the same (I’m...
21 Sep 2017
Writing code is akin to writing essays: everyone has their own style. However, following standard writing conventions, such as a double space after a period, improves readability of your essay for others and allows your work to be more accessibile...
07 Sep 2017
Asking questions are important when learning something for the first time. In the age of the internet, information on almost any topic can be accessed within seconds. However, with access to forums such as Reddit and Stack Overflow, it can...
31 Aug 2017
Being a complete newbie at Javascript, I would say my first experiences with the language were good. I felt it had similar shorthand notations like Python, while being similar to Java in other aspects. I thought Javascript was about the...
30 Aug 2017
Computers have always been a part of my life, ever since I was a child. Instead of going outside, I loved playing video games online to social with my friends and meet new people. The introduction of the Windows Operating...