Computers have always been a part of my life, ever since I was a child. Instead of going outside, I loved playing video games online to social with my friends and meet new people. The introduction of the Windows Operating System allowed my generation to easily use a computer without requiring previous knowledge that was required for older operating systems. Because of this, we were the first generation of children that were growing up with computers.
Computer Science initially wasn’t a field of study I was interested in. However, after taking an introduction computer course (ICS 111), I felt like computer science was something I was interested in and could make a career out of. Software development has always been interesting to me, both as an ICS major and gamer. Video games have always been a favorite past time of mine, and being able to understand how games are created would give me more appreciation while playing them.
I hope to develop skills that both useful to me as a developer and that are valuable in the field. I’ve heard this class is a lot of work, but that comes with great results. After all, there is a reason why this class is required for graduation. At the end, I hope to have learned enough skills to be able to market myself as a developer, like learning new languages and software. The first steps of taking this course will help me achieve these goals.