Manoa Marketplace

Manoa Marketplace was a web-based application developed for my group final project in ICS 311. Using Bowfolios, a Meteor based application developed for the UH Community, we were able to create a Craiglist-like alternative for UH Manoa students.

Manoa Marketplace provides a platform for students to selling used items and good with fellow UH Students. A UH Manoa email is required to access the application via the CAS server, providing security for users of the app. Communication is done through email, which can be found on listings within the app. Functionalities of the application include creating a post, editing a post, and deleting a post. Existing posts can be filtered via a category tag on each post.

This final project helped me hone my developer skills in Meteor. Communication with team members was important, and done through Slack. Constant updates were made on Slack in order to meet deadlines for the project timeline. I learned to how communicate and work effectively with other team members while working on the app.

Source: Manoa Marketplace homepage