Telephone Directory

A telephone directory or book typically contains the name of a person or business and a phone number which to contact them at. Physical telephone directories contains thousands of numbers of various people and businesses. Using a digital version of a directory allows users to save time searching for particular persons or businesses, while being able to add and delete phone numbers from the current directory.

For this program, I was responsible for developing code to perform four functions: search for an existing phone number using a name, add a person and phone number to the directory, display the current directory, and delete a phone number from the directory using a name. I first programmed an array of LinkedLists to store data from a read-in file. I then programmed the constructors for the Telephone and Person node objects. Finally, I programmed the user interface, which was menu driven, and made sure that any changes to the input file would be written to an output file when the user was finished.

You can see the completed program on my Github.